Holidays & Events

National Nurses Month


May Is Nurse Appreciation Month This May, join us in celebration of America’s 4.4 million registered nurses who make a touching difference in the lives of patients and their families. Exceptional nurses often have a true passion for helping others, backed by compassion and empathy. In honor of this month, we express our appreciation for […]

World Health Day

world health day concept

World Health Day World Health Day is observed every year to bring awareness to the importance of practicing and achieving optimal health and wellness. In honor of World Health Day, our goal is to help you learn and understand more about specific healthcare services that can improve your quality of life if you are living […]

Patient Safety Week 2023

patient safety

Patient Safety Week 2023 Each year, Patient Safety Awareness Week (PSAW) is recognized to remind healthcare staff of the importance of promoting patient safety practices. Whether you’re a Nurse, Certified Nursing Assistant, or another type of healthcare professional, the steps you take daily can go a long way in keeping your patients safe. 5 Tips […]

Thank a Social Worker

patient greeting healthcare professional at the door

Thank A Social Worker Social workers can be found in several settings, like hospitals, mental health clinics, home health services, hospice facilities, private practices, nonprofits, government agencies, and more. Social work might just be one of the most diverse professions out there. Today, we want to thank social workers for all that they do in […]

Social Workers in Home Health

elderly man greeting healthcare professional at the door

Social Workers: The Glue of Home Healthcare Social work is a sector within the world of healthcare that is aimed at meeting the basic needs of individuals, families, and communities. Social workers provide support and act as advocates for patients who are working through psychological, health, family, and financial struggles. They can often refer patients […]

Black History Month & Medical Advancements

Black History Month and the Medical Advancements We Have Today Thanks to People of Color Have you ever touted the wonders of laser eye surgery to remove cataracts, blood transfusions, or pacemakers? We might not be promoting these and other advancements today if it were not for the ingenuity of African American scientists, practitioners, and […]

Black History Month & Medical Advances

Black History Month graphic

Black History Month and the Medical Advances We Have Today Thanks to People of Color Have you ever touted the wonders of laser eye surgery to remove cataracts, blood transfusions, or pacemakers? We might not be promoting these and other advancements today if it were not for the ingenuity of African American scientists, practitioners, and […]

Happy 246th Birthday to… The Army!

June 14th, 2022 marks two hundred and forty six years since the creation of the Army in 1775. The Continental Army, as it was named at the time, was established to fight against the British during the Revolution. With General George Washington as the commander and volunteer amateur troops making up the force, soldiers fought […]

Women Veterans Day

June 12, 1948. A day that changed the course of history with the passing of the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act. This act would allow for women to serve in an official capacity in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force. While it took until 1948 for women in service to be recognized by […]